Jason R Brown

Lucky Duck

02 Jun 2022

I had an odd adventure tonight. I had a duck fly in front of me while driving today and I hit him going 45 mph. I thought, welp he’s dead. A block and a half later I arrive home and park, shutting off the engine. I’m about to get out of the car to inspect the damage when to my horror I hear thumping sounds coming from the front of the car. Poor dude didn’t die and was stuck with his head and wings outside the grill and his legs and body inside. I had a moment where I considered putting him out of his misery but wanted to try and get him out to see how hurt he actually was.

Stuck Duck

I had my wife bring me our broom and used it to lever apart the grill enough for him to get unstuck and be able to breathe again. He was alive and breathing, though trapped in the space between the radiator and the bumper. Emma called animal control and when they showed up I took a piece of plastic cover off between the bumper and radiator and the animal control lady was able to reach down and lift him out.

Unstuck Duck

To my great surprise, he was fine. The animal control lady checked him out and his wings were intact and somehow nothing appeared to be broken. I told her where I had hit him and she took him off to go release him back where he came from.