Jason R Brown

The Fugitive (1993)

Directed By: Andrew Davis

12 Apr 2021

“I didn’t kill my wife!”

“I don’t care!”

My first two viewings of the movie were only partial. When I was young we only had broadcast public television and one day I was flipping through channels and caught the scene where Dr. Kimble is breaking into the computer system at the hospital. It caught my attention and I watched a bit more of the movie after that until I heard my mother coming home and quickly turned off the TV. I never caught the name of the movie.

Some time later while flipping through the channels again, I saw the opening sequence and title screen. I wasn’t sure at first but after getting a good way into the movie I realized this was the same one. I was really enjoying it when my mother came home and I once more had to quickly turn the TV off and pretend I had been doing homework.

I finally had the opportunity to watch the movie in full when I found a VHS copy in a local thrift store. VHS was not really in use anymore at that time but we did still have one VCR in our basement connected to a small TV. I bought the tape and took it home, watching it that evening.

I love the tension and pacing of the whole movie. Harrison Ford is perfect in the action sequences and his usual grumpy self seems to fit the role of the guy with the whole world out to get him.