Jason R Brown

Pork Fry bread Breakfast Sandwich

Author : Jason & Emma Brown



  1. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Scoop sourdough starter into hot oil and fry.
  2. Before flipping over, sprinkle sesame seeds and sliced green onions onto the doughy side of the fry bread. Then flip.
  3. Once the fry bread is cooked through and browned on both sides, remove and set aside. Optionally, a bit of cheese can be fried onto one or both sides of the bread.
  4. Fry eggs in the pan until yolks are just slightly runny or solid according to preference. Then remove and set aside.
  5. Place sliced pork in pan, along with a bit of oyster sauce and sriracha sauce. Then add a good amount of soy sauce and stir fry the pork until slightly browned and soy sauce has been absorbed.
  6. Place eggs and pork between two slices of fry bread, along with any leftover green onion slices. Also good topped with a bit of sriracha.

Author’s Notes

A delicious breakfast sandwich made using some leftover pork roast and sourdough starter.

My Notes